National LambdaRail

NLR Blog

Monday, October 19, 2009

New NSF Grant for GENI

BBN Technologies, an advanced technology solutions firm, announced today a $10.5M National Science Foundation grant to fund additional prototyping for GENI, the virtual laboratory for exploring future internets at scale supported by NLR which is also using NLR's national network backbone for much of its research. NLR is one of the PIs for the grant.

The new NSF funding will enable three sets of collaborating academic/industrial research teams to replicate those GENI prototype systems that have gained significant traction, based on GENI-enabled commercial hardware, across 14 U.S. campuses, NLR and Internet2. These prototypes will serve as a foundation for creating major opportunities for early experiments on an end-to-end suite of GENI infrastructure at a scale significantly larger than has been possible until now.

For more details, see