National LambdaRail

NLR Blog

Thursday, January 28, 2010

NLR at Westnet: The case for R&E networks

At the recent conference sponsored by the Westnet Gigapop, NLR President and CEO Glenn Ricart argued that NLR is a strategic, national asset and an essential innovation platform for research and education.

NLR, as a community-owned network with paid-for fiber and equipment, is able to pass on technology cost savings to its users. With no Acceptable Usage Policy as imposed by commercial carriers, NLR offers unrestricted usage and can also be used to support economic development activities. NLR's technical expertise and project support is tailored to the needs of the research and education community, and its financials are solid with no debt. As a result of these many factors, NLR is uniquely able to provide high bandwidth at a reasonable cost, thus ensuring that advanced research, education and public service are able to control their own destiny.

To see Glenn's preso, visit: